This is the software agreement found in all copies of our (JamJar) software.
By accessing and using Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s software you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by and comply with the terms and conditions of this licence. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions please do not use the software.
This Licence Agreement is between Christchurch Caxton Press Limited, trading as Microfilm Digital Print, its subsidiaries, web sites or nominated parties and the individual or organisation to whom we have agreed to supply the software (“you”, “your”).
1.1 This is a licence to use the software for the creation of the content of your own products to be printed by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited. The printed items and the content of the printed items belong to you, or the copyright holder, and that the software and page templates remain the property of Christchurch Caxton Press Limited. This is a licence to you but it has not been sold to you and you are only authorised to use it for the purposes that Christchurch Caxton Press Limited intends. (Christchurch Caxton Press Limited reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.)
1.2 This licence grants you a non exclusive, non transferable licence, which gives you the right to use the software strictly in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
1.3 The term “software” means the software the subject of this licence and includes any Revisions created by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited.
1.4 “Revision” means any modification to the software in the nature of an improvement made to correct program faults or other defects, or to enhance the functionality of the software.
1.5 This licence permits the installation of the software on one computer. One licence must be agreed to for each installation on each individual computer.
1.6 The permitted use of this software is to prepare the content of books, cards, calendars and other items for printing exclusively by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited.
1.7 The items printed by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited through the facilities and systems embodied in the software may be used by you for commercial purposes. On-selling of the books, cards and calendars is a permitted use. For the avoidance of doubt promotional and advertising purposes are a permitted use.
1.8 The software is the intellectual property of Christchurch Caxton Press Limited and all copies and installations of the software remain the property of Christchurch Caxton Press Limited. The software and copies of the software may not be sold, rented, leased or sublicenced by any person or organisation other than Christchurch Caxton Press Limited. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify or create derivative works of the software or any part thereof.
1.9 The purpose of the software is to create the content of items to be printed exclusively by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited. No other organisation or person may print items generated by this software. The software may not be altered, re-engineered or adapted for any printing purpose, or any other purpose whatsoever.
1.10 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited reserves the right to monitor the content of documents prepared on the software. Christchurch Caxton Press Limited maintains the right, at its discretion, to contact law enforcement agencies regarding content and to refuse to process and print any material that it deems to be unfit for publication, obscene, pornographic or illegal.
2.1 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited (or its suppliers) is the sole owner of all rights (including Intellectual Property rights other than those rights recorded in the addendum) in the Software and the Documentation supplied under this licence.
2.2 You must not, nor may you permit any other person to:
2.2.1 alter, modify, reproduce, reverse assemble, reverse compile or enhance the Software and/or the Documentation;
2.2.2 alter, remove or tamper with any trademarks, any patent or copyright notices, or any confidentiality, proprietary or trade secret, legend or notice, or any numbers, or other means of identification used on or in relation to the Software and/or the Documentation;
2.2.3 do any act that would or might invalidate or be inconsistent with Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s Intellectual Property rights.
2.3 You must, at Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s expense, take all such steps as Christchurch Caxton Press Limited may reasonably require to assist Christchurch Caxton Press Limited to maintain the validity and enforceability of Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s Intellectual Property rights.
2.4 You indemnify Christchurch Caxton Press Limited against any loss, costs, expenses, demands or liability, whether direct, indirect, consequential, or otherwise, and whether arising in contract, tort (including in each case negligence), or equity or otherwise, arising out of a claim by a third party alleging infringement of that third party’s Intellectual Property rights if such claim arises from infringement, suspected infringement or alleged infringement due to:
2.4.1 use of any of the Software and/or the Documentation in combination by any means and in any form with software or equipment not specifically approved by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited or in a manner or for a purpose not reasonably contemplated or authorised by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited; and/or
2.4.2 a breach by you of clause 2.2.
3. ELECTRONIC MESSAGES FROM Christchurch Caxton Press Limited
3.1 Subject to clause 3.2, you consent to receiving from time to time, electronic messages including updates from Christchurch Caxton Press Limited which market, update or promote Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s goods and services.
3.2 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited will cease to send electronic messages as described in clause 3.1 above to you if at any time you instructs Christchurch Caxton Press Limited in writing to cease sending such electronic messages to you at those electronic addresses.
3.3 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited will include a functional unsubscribe facility in any electronic messages sent to you which market or promote Christchurch Caxton Press Limited’s goods and services.
4.1 If you are acquiring or holding yourself out as acquiring goods or services under this licence for business purposes, then the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.
5.1 All warranties, terms and conditions (including, without limitation, warranties and conditions as to fitness for purpose and merchantability), whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise, are excluded to the extent permitted by law.
6.1 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited has used its best endeavours to develop a stable and reliable software product; Christchurch Caxton Press Limited does not warrant that the software is free of “bugs” errors or defects and the existence of any such errors shall not constitute a breach of this licence. Christchurch Caxton Press Limited shall not be responsible to you for costs or damages incurred as a result of any such “bugs”, errors or defects.
6.2 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited will not have any liability or responsibility to you for any loss, damage or injury whether arising in contract, tort, equity or otherwise which does not flow directly or naturally (ie. in the ordinary course of things) from a breach of this Agreement including, in each case consequential loss of business of profits or other loss.
6.3 Christchurch Caxton Press Limited shall not be responsible for the content of documents prepared on the software and ownership, and rights to images and text shall be the responsibility of the user of the software.
7.1 This licence shall remain in effect only for so long as you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. This licence will terminate if you fail to comply with any of its terms or conditions. You agree, upon termination, to uninstall the software from your computer. The terms and conditions of this agreement will continue to be in force even after termination.
8.1 You will not assign your rights under this licence without the prior written consent of Christchurch Caxton Press Limited.
9.1 If any provision of this licence or its application to any party or circumstance is or becomes invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this licence and its application shall not be affected and shall remain enforceable to the greatest extent permitted by law.
10.1 Where any dispute arises between the parties concerning this licence, or the circumstances, representations, or conduct giving rise to the licence, no party may commence any court or arbitration proceedings relating to the dispute unless that party has complied with the procedures set out in this clause 10.
10.2 The party initiating the dispute (“the first party”) must provide written notice of the dispute to the other party (“the other party”) and nominate in that notice the first party’s representative for the negotiations. The other party must within seven days of receipt of the notice give written notice to the first party naming its representative for the negotiations. Each representative nominated shall have authority to settle or resolve the dispute.
10.3 If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute by discussion and negotiation within 14 days of receipt of the written notice from the first party, then the parties must immediately refer the dispute to mediation.
10.4 The mediation must be conducted in terms of the LEADR New Zealand Inc Standard Mediation Agreement. The mediation must be conducted by a mediator at a fee agreed by the parties. Failing agreement between the parties, the mediator shall be selected and his/her fee determined by the Chair for the time being of LEADR New Zealand Inc.
11.1 This licence shall be governed by New Zealand law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.
Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved by Christchurch Caxton Press Limited.
Acceptance of terms, conditions and definitions of this document provides you with a licence to use the software.